Dear all,
I am currently performing GSEA analysis on R on bulk RNA-sequencing datasets. I am using the clusterProfiler packages with the gseGO & gseKEGG functions. I have converted the names of the genes from Symbol to ENTREZID, and sorted the list based on log2FC.
I have quite a few KEGG pathways coming up in the analyis using gseKEGG. I wanted to test the gseMKEGG function. However, when using the same list, there is no term enriched under specific pvalueCutoff. I get the following message :
"preparing geneSet collections...
GSEA analysis...
no term enriched under specific pvalueCutoff...
Warning messages:
1: In preparePathwaysAndStats(pathways, stats, minSize, maxSize, gseaParam, :
There are ties in the preranked stats (13.54% of the list).
The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
2: In serialize(data, node$con) :
'package:stats' may not be available when loading"
I used the following code for gseMKEGG :
mmkk2 <- gseMKEGG(geneList=gene_list,
organism = "mmu",
pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
Shouldn't the results of gseMKEGG be similar to gseKEGG?
Thanks in advance for your help !