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18 months ago
I was analyzing a published datasets related to Patch-seq: RNAs from soma or dendrites was sequenced.
After visualizing the BAM files in IGV, it is weird to see that most of the reads fall into intron regions. I am wondering if this could be the problem of the data quality considering the small amount of RNA?
check the genome build/reference you're using...
ha, this happened to me. check the reference genome that you used to align and make sure you use the same version in IGV.
Thanks for the advice. I have ben used the GRCm38_P4 and GRCm38_P10 to build the reference and to do the mapping, and in IGV I used mm10 for the visualizing. It looks both reference give me the same situation. I am wondering if this could be genome contamination.
do you see it for all genes? do you see any exonic mapping?
For high abundance genes such as Actb and ribosome gene Rps29 it looks fine: Actb the reads fall into 3'UTR while the Rps29 the read is the last 2 exons (3 exon in total of this gene). Nevertheless, some classical neuronal genes which supposed to be high in the neurons captured doesn't look good. Thank you for your replies.
you should run RNAseqQC tools to get the percentage of exon reads. If it is too low, something maybe wrong with your experiment.
Thanks you for this suggestion. I will try to run the RNA-seQC and see how it turns to be
This one should be good https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33677499/