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20 months ago
from the mountains
What's the best way to do this? I am looking to produce the salmon .sf file.
What's the best way to do this? I am looking to produce the salmon .sf file.
kallisto's abundance.tsv and salmon have basically the exact same columns (transcript, length, effective length, TPM, counts, etc.) -- why not just rename & reorder the columns?
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Google has quite a few suggestions.
thanks, maybe i'm going crazy but i don't see an exact answer to the question i asked in those search results. the first result shows how to convert salmon to kallisto (the opposite) so it can be used in sleuth. the rest are how to import either kallisto or salmon into R for edgeR or tximport. As far as i can see these methods do not take the .h5 file and output the .sf file. maybe my mistake is in assuming there exists such a method that i don't have to make myself.