I'm trying to use freebayes to call variants through the following parameters : freebayes -f $REF -r $REGIONS -b 03.align/$FQ.align.sort.marked.bam > 04.freebayes/$FQ.var.vcf
The error reports: unable to find FASTA index for bed file. I have both .fasta and .fasta.fai file and all the other file created by indexing the reference genome (.alt, .btw, .sa,..)
How can I overcome this issue?
Thanks in advance
Fasta file downloaded from aws-GATK, bed file from UCSC. Are both index format 0-based? Maybe the formats are uncompatible
Exactly the same. They end up with HLA-DRB1 contigs. Otherwise, bed file end with chrY. Can be this the problem?
1) this is not the output I asked; I want the fasta.fai but you ran the bed. 2) why a screenshot when you can just copy-n-paste the text ?
what are the outputs of
Here you are the fasta file
it looks ok. Please , don't use screenhots.
Sorry, this is my first question I posed on this forum. I've run GATK variant calling and it works well. The problem is related to freebayes tool. The command works if I do not specify the regions but only the fasta and bam file.
Should I try to convert bed file to fasta, indexing it and then use it as regions flag for freebayes tool?