Hello, I'm trying to install SRA-toolkit om my Mac (Apple M2).
When I first install it in the terminal the shell manages to find the binary when I write:
which fastq-dump
And I get an output similar to the one in the guide:
However, when I close my terminal and again write:
which fastq-dump
I get the output:
fastq-dump not found
This is even though I have appended the path to the binary
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/sratoolkit.3.0.0-mac64/bin
And changed the SRA-toolkit to the one I have downloaded which is 3.0.5.
I cannot figure out why I this error occurs.
All help is appreciated.
Thank you very much.
can you type in the full path rather than $PWD?
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/sratoolkit.3.0.0-mac64/bin