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19 months ago
I have the following line of code:
/Plink1.9/plink --bfile "${PLINK_REF_PANEL}/${chrom}".final \
--r2 \
--ld-window 10000 \
--ld-window-r2 ${PLINK_MIN_R2} \
--keep "${PLINK_REF_PANEL_KEEP}" \
--out "${out_prefix}" \
--ld-snp-list "${SNAPTMP}/SNAP.input.proxy" \
> plink.${chrom}.r2.out #/dev/null
And I have a .bim file that looks like this (head):
6 chr6:61725 0 61725 T C
6 chr6:61754 0 61754 A G
6 rs1333055309 0 61839 G C
6 rs1345373303 0 61839 A G
In my ".ld" file generated by the -r2 flag, I noticed there are only variants with rsid's and no variants with the "CHR:POS" labeling. Is this just anecdotal evidence or will the -r2 flag not calculate LD when the variant has no rsid. I want to be able to calculate LD even when a variant is identified as "CHR:POS". Thank you!
Does your
file contain SNPs with the CHR:POS identifier? PLINK will only calculate LD between SNPs in the--ld-snp-list
. See documentation here