Hello everyone, I'd like to perform DEG analysis on a tumor multi-region sampling dataset like Tracerx LUAD using DESeq2. Detailed experiment is illustrated in the chart below.
Multiple regions are sampled from sample tumor. Region is biological replication of patient, and patient is biological replication of condition. Now I want to perform DEG analysis between condition A
and condition B
. How can I specify the design matrix? Thanks
Region would be a technical replicate, not a biological replicate IMO. Your design would be
~ Condition
Could you explain why region would be a tech replicate? I am just curious.
I do not really understand why region would be a technical replicate. Regions from a patient are closely correlated but they are different samples. Could you please explain? Much thanks
Yes, they're much more correlated than individual patients so you would underestimate the actual variance between samples, and that would probably lead to smaller p-values, so more DEGs, but more false positives.