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19 months ago
Hello guys, I downloaded gff3ToGenePred and tried to convert the gff3 file in Apricot, but gff3ToGenePred gave an error even though it was loaded. this is the code I am using
gff3ToGenePred -genePredExt /Users/uguremre/snpEff/snpEff/stella.gff3 AT_refGene.txt
What type of error?
this is the error. : zsh: command not found: gff3ToGenePred I am not sure where I went wrong
The error is not related to the tool. It is you terminal ( I guess you are using a Mac) that tell you that the tool is not available. You are not in the proper directory, or provide the path to the tool
thank you for your reply. Yes, I am using a Mac. Annovar is in a separate file, but I didn't open a new file for gff3ToGenePred. Annovar and gff3ToGenePred are in separate places. they will be in the same file?