Hello everyone!
We do ChIP-seq across 2 conditions each with 2 replicates.
The number of called narrow peaks (MACS2, FDR < 0.1) are:
cond_1-1: 8,915
cond_1-2: 10,099
cond_2-1: 1,446
cond_2-2: 801
At first, I suspected that there are many small peaks detected in condition_1.
However, I observed the opposite as the size of called narrow peaks tend to be larger in condition_1.
(1) ~24% of peaks are longer than 600 bps in condition_1 while that number is ~13% for condition_2.
(2)the median peak size is ~400 bps in condition_1 but only ~330 bps in condition_2.
So, usually what could be the reason to call many more peaks in one sample than the other? the library sizes are similar across samples.
Thanks in advance!
Got it. Thanks!