I am trying to overlay these four tracks on IGV so that they are color-coded by importance, however the overlay tracks feature isn't working. When I select Tracks > Overlay Data tracks, a dialogue box pops up saying "overlay tracks by" and the only option is "none". How do I overlap the tracks? Is this feature only for bigwig files? I'm using simple bed files. If this is not possible to do with bed files, is there any other software that can overlap tracks like this?
Could you maybe operate on the BED files and add a column to color by in the final BED product?
Is there an option for that in IGV where you can color by a particular column? Or something in R?
My gut tells me there should be. The only way to know for sure is to try.
My gut tells me there should be too, but it seems IGV isn't very bed file friendly haha
I guess not - there seems to be a way to color an entire BED but not color subsets of it differently.