Hi all,
Would you please suggest what wrong in this case? I pretty much run the same code as before. Thank you so much.
result <- dba(sampleSheet=samples)
result <- dba.blacklist(result)
result <- dba.count(result, bParallel=FALSE)
result <- dba.count(result)
result <- dba.normalize(result)
result <- dba.contrast(result, minMembers=2)
result <- dba.analyze(result)
result <- dba.plotProfile(result)
Generating report-based DBA object... Error: No valid contrasts/methods specified.
There is post about this error but I still got error when trying those solutions. Such as the order of the function, the path to the bam and broad peak files in sample sheet.
dba.show(result, bContrasts=TRUE)
Factor Group Samples Group2 Samples2 DB.DESeq2
1 Condition diseased 2 control 2 0
I don't know why the value of DB.DESeq2 in this case was 0 which maybe the reason of the error.
Thanks Rory! May I know how Diffbind can output a bed file (differential_peaks.bed) to use as input for the command
from HOMER?