Good evening, thanks to a previous post I was able to solve one problem in my pipeline. Now I am dealing with another one. I have to quantify some rna sequence with salmon and I downloaded a pre-computed index from the link suggested in salmon documentation. The link is this, I downloaded the salmon_
Now, I am trying to run this command to quantify:
salmon quant -i salmon_partial_sa_index\?tag\=default -l A -1 P10_1.fq.gz -2 P10_2.fq.gz --validateMappings -o transcripts_quant
where salmon_partial_sa_index\?tag\=default
refers to the downloaded index, and P10_1.fq.gz -2 P10_2.fq.g
to the paired reads.
The error that I get it's the following:
The index version file salmon_partial_sa_index?tag=default/versionInfo.json doesn't seem to exist. Please try re-building the salmon index
It's worth mentioning that I am working directly on a remote server and I downloaded the pre-build index with the wget
command, in the same folder as the paired reads. I read online for some memory space troubles, but I think I have more than 100GB on the server, so I do not think that this is the issue.
Also, the format of the index is gzip compressed data
but somehow, after the download, it is saved with that strange name.
Thank you very much for the help. I'll be avaiable for quick responses.
I will try and let you know. Thank you!
I decompressed it and still not working. Now I get the error message :Exception : [rapidjson internal assertion failure: IsObject()
...cannot help beyond that.
Thank you. I really appreciate