I am doing survival analysis like this:
clinical_data$time_to_death <- as.Date(clinical_data$Data.Ășltimo.follow.up,
format = "%Y-%m-%d") - as.Date(clinical_data$Data.Histologia, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
km_fit <- survfit(Surv(time_to_death, Morte.S.N) ~ Disease, data=clinical_data)
ggsurvplot(km_fit,pval=TRUE,risk.table=TRUE, conf.int = FALSE, legend.title = "Survival Analysis")
Time to death - time from the diagnosis until the last follow up of the patient
Morte.S.N - 0 if patient is alive and 1 patient died
Disease - The types of diseases
For the green line it falls suddently from 0.25 to 0.0 and the last tree patients do not die at the same time, their time to death is 1826, 1891 and 1925 days. Is this plot correct, what possibly could be wrong?
Show us the data for the green group. This may be due to an event happening after the censoring time for the green group.
See also: https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/262456
Thank you! For the green group: