Hello, I have a bed file structured so
Chrom_3 0 20354777
Chrom_1 0 18146847
Chrom_5 0 16930519
I want this output (switch from 0based to 1-based)
Chrom_3 1
Chrom_3 2
Chrom_3 3
Chrom_3 4
Chrom_3 5
Chrom_3 6
Chrom_3 7
Chrom_3 8
Chrom_3 9
The solution I found is
bedtools makewindows -b vaga.bed -w 1 |awk '{print $1 "\t" $2}' > candidate_sites
It works but it seems to me awk alone might have been able to do it. I am very used to bedtools but I am sure there is an awkish way to do that. I just wonder how you deal with the "for each chromosome". Thanks
What is the third number in first block for? You want the output example go up to the number but the output stays two-column as shown?
yes, the first file is a 0 based chrom_x start end and I need a file with each line giving a single positional point
I know, it's not the sharpest bioinformatics question ^^'