Hello and thank you for visiting this question!
Basically, I have 2 sets of reads from 2 different lines of sunflower and am working on producing complete chloroplast genomes from them. Both sets contain about 20M reads, have gone through similar preprocessing of polyG-tail trimming and adapter trimming, showed similar statistics with FastQC and on every step of preprocessing.
After processing the paired reads were plugged into NOVOPlasty, tool designed specifically for de novo assembly of organelle genomes. Identical configs were used for those sets of reads.
Here's where the issue emerged. One genome was successfully assembled and circularized, reaching length matching with reference sequence. But the other one was assembled into one contig and did not circularize; it also did not reach appropriate length (144.5 Kbp vs. 151 Kbp).
My question is, why might that be? And what are possible solutions to this? It is my first time assembling and I'm scratching my head thinking of reasons 2 nearly identical readsets would result in differing outputs because of.