I am looking for guidance. I have been assigned a task to find the relative copy number of ribosomal RNA genes in humans using qPCR.
I decided to choose a couple of single-copy genes as references to start with. However, I also have a parallel thought that I might as well consider specific multiple-copy genes. But as I search, I am unsure how to select multiple copy genes as no research gives the slightest idea of these gene copy numbers, or I'm unaware of a database that can give a rough figure of the actual copy numbers, for example, tRNA or alpha-tubulin gene there is multiple research that mentions they are multiple copies but no ballpark figure.
Could anyone please suggest or let me know if I am heading in the right direction?
https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.3200 not exactly what you look for, but gives a good insight
however many paralogous genes are paralogous already in the reference
recent Human PanGenome Consortium work addresses this https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05896-x - Fig. 2
rDNA repeats are a tricky question to address. There may be tens (or hundreds) of copies.
Additional references: how can i download human ribosomal reference ?