I am trying to use the tool 'Illumina/hap.py' from GA4GH to compare the results of variant calling tools (vcf files). Before I compared my results using this tool, I wanted to make sure that the results of this tool were reliable.
So I performed hap.py, using the same vcf file as truth and query. That is, I carried out the test with the command as shown below.
$ {HAPPY}/bin/hap.py \
example/happy/NA12878_chr21.vcf.gz \
example/happy/NA12878_chr21.vcf.gz \
-r example/Ref/reference.fa \
-o test
In my personal opinion, I thought the F1 score should be 1.0, but the result wasn't. Even the number of TRUTH.TOTAL and QUERY.TOTAL were different.
I don't understand these results. Is there anyone who can explain why these results came out? Is it wrong to test hap.py using the same file?
Thank you for reading it.