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16 months ago
Hello All,
I am working on time-series RNA-seq data. I have four individuals and collected RNA-seq samples for each individual at 4 different time points (T1, T2, T3 and T4). The experiments shown below.
Individual Time
Sample1.1 Sample1 T1
Sample1.2 Sample1 T2
Sample1.3 Sample1 T3
Sample1.4 Sample1 T4
Sample2.1 Sample2 T1
Sample2.2 Sample2 T2
Sample2.3 Sample2 T3
Sample2.4 Sample2 T4
Sample3.1 Sample3 T1
Sample3.2 Sample3 T2
Sample3.3 Sample3 T3
Sample3.4 Sample3 T4
Sample4.1 Sample4 T1
Sample4.2 Sample4 T2
Sample4.3 Sample4 T3
Sample4.4 Sample4 T4
I would like to identify differentially expressed genes across all time-points.
For that I use the LRT test and the following model
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts,
colData = SampleInfo,
design= ~Time)
dds <- DESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced=~1)
If I want to identify differentially expressed genes over all time-points, how does it look the above design model.
Please check the link below. Similar query had been discussed earlier-
Using DESeq2 for time-series analysis