I used homer for peak calling and peak annotation for two different conditions. I want to count the differential peaks, which are the peaks that exist in one file but not the other. My question is: Do I simply see which peaks occur in one file but not the other? It seems a little too simple to be correct...
I know there is a peak score column, but I couldn't find explanations online on whether I should use this for filtering.
I also want to use the distance to TSS column, but am having trouble understanding how to use it for filtering, too. If homer defines the TSS as a range (num1, num2), what does a distance to TSS of 2000 mean? Is it the distance from the center of the peak to num2?
Thank you and apologies for super basic questions.
I see, thank you! So for example, a distance of 900 would be considered in the TSS?
Should be.