I have VCF files that I want to convert to a more readable TSV file using GATK VariantsToTable, and I also want to load in the VCF in IGV. However, when trying to do this, I get the same error for both operations:
htsjdk.tribble.TribbleException: The provided VCF file is malformed at approximately line number 764: unparsable vcf record with allele Y
VCF at line 764:
Malacosoma 119981 . Y C 16388 PASS DP=1374;AF=0.908297;SB=0;DP4=0,0,537,711
The REF is Y, and the ALT C. It seems that whatever this htsjdk.tribble
is, that it can't work with IUPAC nucleotide codes (I also get this error with other IUPAC codes in other VCF files). Does anyone know a workaround for this?