I would like to load all the pathways related to CC, MF and BP from the org.Hs.eg.db, converting into a dataset that has as columns pathway, gene_symbols.
In order that after this I filter the pathways that have genes in common with the metabolism pathways from KEGG. So that I can see which of my DGE genes in the metabolism also participate in this CC, MF and BP.
enrichGO(gene = row.names(dge_nos_leiomyo_over),
universe = row.names(dge_nos_leiomyo),
OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db,
ont = "ALL",
pAdjustMethod = "fdr",
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
readable = TRUE)
enrichGo gets those pathways in the internal code which I read, some of the methods seem to be very complicated such as get_GO_data(OrgDb, ont, keyType)
Is there any simple line of code that would just get all the pathways in CC, MF and BP and the gene symbols included in those into a dataset?
Thank you!
Thank you much! Just to confirm, these are the same datasets used in?
Well, mine is pulling mouse, and it's from the MSigDb, so probably slight differences. Plus using gene symbols as a key type always results in some wonkiness.
If you just want a list of all GO terms and associated entrez IDs, you can pull them like:
xx <- as.list(org.Hs.egGO2ALLEGS)
I'd recommend taking a look at the