I have multiple VCFs files for the same sample. I used the commad
bcftools concat -a -Oz -o concat.vcf.gz 242487_vs_242482.bcftools.vcf.gz 242487_vs_242482.freebayes.vcf.gz
But i have the next error
Checking the headers and starting positions of 2 files
[W::hts_idx_load3] The index file is older than the data file: 242487_vs_242482.bcftools.vcf.gz.tbi
[W::hts_idx_load3] The index file is older than the data file: 242487_vs_242482.freebayes.vcf.gz.tbi
Different number of samples in 242487_vs_242482.freebayes.vcf.gz. Perhaps "bcftools merge" is what you are looking for?
I don't know how to resolve it. Thank you for your help