I did the DeNovo assembly of a few RNAseq samples using Trinity. After that, I mapped the raw data to the DeNovo assembly and did quantification and DEG analysis. The annotation of the DeNovo assembly was done using Trinotate. The GO IDs, gene descriptions, KEGG IDs, etc. were assigned to the DEGs using the annotation data from Trinotate.
Now I want to do GO and KEGG enrichment, but since the gene IDs I have are from different organisms I am not able to use several of the R packages and tools. Moreover, a single gene ID has multiple GO IDs assigned to it.
How can I create an enrichment plot using the data I have? I hope someone will help me.
Thank you.
Since I have done DeNovo transcriptome assembly of a particular plant, I can't pinpoint to say that the GO obtained is for a single organism. The GO results were obtained from the tool
used for the annotation of DeNovo transcriptome assembly.