Usage: seqtk <command> <arguments>
Version: 1.4-r122
Command: seq common transformation of FASTA/Q
size report the number sequences and bases
comp get the nucleotide composition of FASTA/Q
sample subsample sequences
subseq extract subsequences from FASTA/Q
fqchk fastq QC (base/quality summary)
mergepe interleave two PE FASTA/Q files
split split one file into multiple smaller files
trimfq trim FASTQ using the Phred algorithm
hety regional heterozygosity
gc identify high- or low-GC regions
mutfa point mutate FASTA at specified positions
mergefa merge two FASTA/Q files
famask apply a X-coded FASTA to a source FASTA
dropse drop unpaired from interleaved PE FASTA/Q
rename rename sequence names
randbase choose a random base from hets
cutN cut sequence at long N
gap get the gap locations
listhet extract the position of each het
hpc homopolyer-compressed sequence
telo identify telomere repeats in asm or long reads
seqtk mutfa
Usage: seqtk mutfa <in.fa> <in.snp>
Note: <in.snp> contains at least four columns per line which are:
'chr 1-based-pos any base-changed-to'.
You can add mutation to your reference seuence using seqtk software like this-
cat mytest.fasta
cat myMutation.snp
seqA 4 foo T
seqA 5 foo G
seqA 9 foo A
seqB 12 foo A
seqB 10 foo C
seqB 8 foo T
seqtk mutfa mytest.fasta myMutation.snp
#In order to keep the cases uppercase/lowercase) while changing sequences of reference nucleotide, you can add `--keepcase` option to your command-
seqtk mutfa --keepcase mytest.fasta myMutation.snp
BDQ = Bedaquline? MTB = Multi-drug resistant TB?
While you may be familiar with the short notation others on the forum are not likely going to be so it would be best to use long forms when posting.
It looks like multiple efflux pump genes are included in this resistance category though the one in your example is not on this list.