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17 months ago
Hi all,
I try to add gene name to differential accessibility peaks by using ClosestFeature():
da_peaks$closest_gene <- ClosestFeature(data, regions = rownames(da_peaks))$gene_name
However I got this:
Error in $<-.data.frame
, closest_gene, value = c("MIB2", "SKI", :
replacement has 49180 rows, data has 49193
The da_peaks has 49193 rows meanwhile I only have 49180 genes so how can I modify them to make them equal? Would you please tell me how to fix this error? Thank you so much!
Thank you for your help! No error with your code. However, I try to follow this one: https://github.com/mousepixels/sanbomics_scripts/blob/main/scATAC_intro_R.Rmd.
which has a little modification, so when I try to add a new column name
, I will get error because two value is not the same.You r welcome! Please go ahead and accept the answer if that had worked for you.
So if I want to add a new column name
, would you recommend a way to fix this error? Seem I have 13 peaks that don't have equivalent genes which cause the error.