Hello all,
I have a seurat object containing 3 different samples. Before integration with harmony, I can run:
pbmc_harmony <- NormalizeData(pbmc_harmony, verbose = F) pbmc_harmony <- FindVariableFeatures(pbmc_harmony, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000, verbose = F) pbmc_harmony <- ScaleData(pbmc_harmony, verbose = F) pbmc_harmony <- RunPCA(pbmc_harmony, npcs = 50, verbose = F) pbmc_harmony <- RunUMAP(pbmc_harmony, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:40, verbose = F) DimPlot(pbmc_harmony)
To get a UMAP of not integrated samples.
However, after running harmony on that file, I cannot get the non integrated UMAP: if I do DimPlot(pbmc_harmony) I only get the integrated UMAP. How can I get the pre-integrated UMAP from a file that has been already integrated? Or the information pre-integration is lost?