Hello! I am new to processing ONT data. I am running a split-read-by-channel command (below), so that I can run dorado duplex basecalling on the reads more efficiently.
pod5 view /path/to/pod5s --include "read_id, channel" --output summary.tsv
I have, say, 2000 pod5 files.
However when I check the amount of channels I have (cut -f 2 summary.tsv | sort | uniq | wc -l
) I get 2500 unique channels.
My point is, how do I have significantly more channels- am I fundamentally misunderstanding something about how channels/etc work? Samples were sequenced with PromethION / P2 Kit V14 (SQK-LSK114) Flow cell: R10.4.1 (FLO-PRO114M) Pointers towards an explanation or tutorial would be really apprecited. Thank you!
Pretend there's a 'facepalm' emoji here. That's an easy explanation. Thanks for clearing it up!