I am trying to do deseq2 analysis,
This is my count matrix (sample): gene MESO-N1 MESO-N2 MESO-N3 1060P11.3 2 0 0 LNP 18 228 110
This is my sample information: Sample Group Cancer_Type MESO-N1 Control healthy MESO-N2 Control healthy MESO-N3 Control healthy
The problem is that I keep getting this error : Error in DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count_data, colData = sample_info, : ncol(countData) == nrow(colData) is not TRUE
I know it has to do with the gene column but as you know i need that for the deseq analysis. So what do i do to avoid this error? What code can i use?
Thank you.