I have a somewhat complicated pipeline in which bam files are converted from bam > bed > bedGraph > bigwig. The final bigwig files are missing genome ranges that have a coverage value of 0, despite a chromosome size file, S288C_R64.fa.fai
, being referenced during file type conversion. The missing genome coordinates are causing an error in downstream analysis in R: when I import the bigwig files using rtracklayer
ranges are missing (because they are missing in the bigwig file).
How can I force genome coordinates with 0 coverage to be included in the final bigwig file, when converting from a bed file? TYIA!
1) Convert bam to bed (bamtobed, bedtools), then modify read coordinates with awk.
bedtools bamtobed -i input.bam | bedtools sort -g S288C_R64.fa.fai > output.bed
chrI 877 878 K00408:348:HT7MVBBXY:5:1207:11454:46592 42 -
chrI 942 943 K00408:348:HT7MVBBXY:5:1211:24982:31523 35 +
chrI 945 946 K00408:348:HT7MVBBXY:5:1119:5954:27180 42 -
chrI 945 946 K00408:348:HT7MVBBXY:5:2119:3853:33141 42 -
chrI 971 972 K00408:348:HT7MVBBXY:5:2201:1793:46065 42 +
2) Convert bed to bedGraph (genomecov, bedtools)
bedtools genomecov -i output.bed -bg -g S288C_R64.fa.fai | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > output.bedGraph
chrI 877 878 1
chrI 942 943 1
chrI 945 946 2
chrI 971 972 1
4) Convert bedGraph to bigwig (bedGraphToBigWig). I converted bigwig to wig to get a human readable file to troubleshoot.
bedGraphToBigWig output.bedGraph S288C_R64.fa.fai output.bigwig
bigWigToWig output.bigwig output.wig
#bedGraph section chrI:877-32548
chrI 877 878 1
chrI 942 943 1
chrI 945 946 2
chrI 971 972 1
Note the coordinates above chrI:877-32548
If I convert the same bam file with deeptools, I get the proper "headers" for the genome
bamCoverage -b input.bam -o output2.bigwig -of bigwig -bs 1 -p max --effectiveGenomeSize 12000000
bigWigToWig output2.bigwig output2.wig
#bedGraph section chrI:0-33818
chrI 0 877 0
chrI 877 878 1
chrI 878 942 0
chrI 942 943 1
chrI 943 945 0
chrI 945 946 2
chrI 946 971 0
chrI 971 972 1
Note the coordinates above chrI:0-33818, and the inclusion of coverage for every base even if the value is 0.