I have a scRNAseq integrated seurat object composed by my control and my treatment. On this object I did all the analysis and I have all the plots needed (umap etc). Now it has been asked to use different names and instead of "control" and "treatment", I should use two different names (let's say "A" and "B" where A is my "control" and B is my treatment) for the plots showing the comparison of the two conditions (eg. violin plot).
So is there a way I can change "control" and "treatment" with "A" and "B" on my seurat object (maybe creating another column that I can refer to when I use for split.by
) without have to re-do the integration from the beginning? or shall I just give up and modify the labelling in photoshop?
Thank you
Hi, See this prev. post where I contributed to, on accessing the meta data slot in a seurat object. There is more than one way.
thanks but my metadata looks different from yours. Will it work even there are not the same "structure"?
Yes, its similar structure. This snippet should add a new metadata column "sample.New" with what you want to do
Assuming a seurat obj. called "my.seuObj".
Check the distrib. of your labels in the pre-existing metadata column
great! thank you very much!