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17 months ago
Hi all,
I have a simple question. I have a dataset containing 14 normal tissues and 6 cancerous tissues. I want to perform correlation analysis between two groups for each gene in this data set. But I couldn't figure out how to do it and couldn't find it.
What is "correlation analysis", like WGCNA?
To be more clear, I have RNAi data from depmap with different cell lines and I separated them into two groups according to their EGFR mutation status (WT vs mutant). I want to find the genes that are essential for only WT group. If is there any other way to find it, I would be appreciated. Thanks
Use specialized software to analyse CRISPR/RNAi data, such as MAGeCK.
Thanks. But they are already analyzed. Afaik it analyzes raw data. In my dataset for each gene there is score. I want to interpret the data to find the genes that essential only for the WT cell lines
And how should I know this? I cannot read minds, nor see your screen, data or anything. Please ask a good question with necessary details.
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Okay I will reask