I am analyzing single cell data with scanpy. I have using leiden to cluster my samples. I would like to figure out how many cells are in each cluster and plot the proportion of cells for each cluster. I have crossposted the question on stackoverflow but I have not gotten an answer so I am trying here too (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77160135/how-to-plot-proportion-of-cells-in-each-cluster-with-scanpy)
I have found the code shown below from this link https://nbisweden.github.io/workshop-scRNAseq/labs/compiled/scanpy/scanpy_04_clustering.html
tmp = pd.crosstab(adata.obs['leiden_0.6'],adata.obs['type'], normalize='index')
tmp.plot.bar(stacked=True).legend(loc='upper right')
However, I am not sure how to adjust it for my data because I don't have 2 groups. I just want a graph that shows that cluster 1 is 10% of the total cells, cluster 2 is 20% etc.
Thank you
Thank you so much. That worked perfectly and it was much faster than what I was trying.