Hi all,
I'm working with UniProtKB and would like to get the genomic coordinates of list of proteins. To my knowledge, the first step is to retrieve the mapping between uniprot and ensembl via biomaRt:
annotLookup <- getBM(
mart = mart,
attributes = c(
However, the uniprot id doesn't always exist! So, alternatively I used the gene name. Although that the protein was then found, it has, however, different uniprot id.
For control, I used ID mapping from uniprot to double check, both biomaRt and ID mapping agreed on the same ensembl id. This indeed indicates that here must be a correct mapping between these two.
My question obviously is, how can I map the uniprot id correctly to the ensembl id?
Thank you
Please provide examples when referring to any kind of IDs.
How about: Using EBI protein API with uniprot isoforms
This should still work: How To Convert Uniprot Ids To Ensemble Gene/Transcript Ids
Thank you, I'm working with list of genes, but take as an example P19544
the method above, doesn't retrieve it either
The following works:
If you would rather have JSON then:
A couple of notes:
I've fixed those for you but please be mindful of what important tools in the field are called.