Hi All,
I made a heat map to show the top 25 significant differentially expressed genes. I would like to make some changes in my heatmap but I couldn't find how to do it, may you please provide me with some solutions please?
Here is the code that I used:
select<- resOrdered$ENSEMBL[1:25] #selected the 25 most significant genes
toplot<- assay(vsd)[select,] #retreived the vst values for selected genes
rownames(toplot) <- resOrdered$SYMBOL[1:25] #defined the gene symbol
df <- as.data.frame(colData(vsd)["condition"])
ann_colors<- list(condition=c(OE="red", WT="blue"))
pheatmap(toplot,annotation_col = df, annotation_colors = ann_colors,
scale = "row", border_color = "transparent",
cutree_cols = 2, cutree_rows = 2,fontsize = 7,
color = colorRampPalette(c("blue","white","red"))(50))
here is my heatmap
in a row is the name of the genes that I covered, and the column is the name of the sample group by WT and OE.
I want to show WT condition on the left of my plot and, next to it OE condition. exactly the invert one of that already is. but I couldn't figure out how.
I appreciate any solutions please.
Thank you for your comment, but it did not help!