Hi all,
I want to do DE analysis using DESeq2. My experiment is Bulk RNA seq experiment with 1 cell line. I want to find out the DE genes between four conditions: Normal gravity (1G), Microgravity (MG), Stim and Unstim. Important to note is that this has an n=3.
I have following matrix (as an example)
gene MGUnstim11 MGStim1 1GStim1 ...
gene1 233 91 17
gene2 1011 0 7
gene3 963 2 3
My aim is to find DE gene between the multiple conditions and be able to compare 1GStim vs MGStim and 1GUnstim vs. 1GStim and etc... All I can find on using DESeq is experiments with one condition, rather than 4.
This is what I have so far:
count_matrix <- read.table("Path/to/file.txt",
header = TRUE,
row.names = 1,
sep = "\t"
colData <- read.csv("path/to/file.csv",
row.names = 1
#To make sure all the column names in colData match count_data:
all(colnames(count_data) %in% rownames(colData))
#and are they in the same order?
all(colnames(count_data) == rownames(colData))
#make a count table with only the counts, remove all other data:
count_data <- count_matrix[, -(1;5)]
#add new combined variable to colData so that we can use the simpler approach to generating tables
#found in bioconductor INTERACTIONS chapter
colData$treatment <- factor(paste0(colData$Gravity, colData$Stimulation))
#creating a basic DESeqDataSet object with design set to new combined variable in colData:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = as.data.frame(count_data),
colData = colData,
design = ~ treatment)
#prefiltering, removing rows with low gene counts (>=10)
keep <- rowSums(counts(dds)) >= 10
dds <- dds[keep,]
#Relevel; tell DESeq to compare against 1GUnstim (1G and Unstim are the controls) as reference level and save as new object:
dds$treatment <- relevel(dds$treatment, ref = "1GUnstim")
#Running DESeq
dds <- DESeq(dds)
#save the results
Results <- results(dds)
res <- results(dds)
Here, it shows just treatment MGUnstim vs 1GUnstim... is this just what it's choosing to show me and I can pull more comparisons or what... I'm new to this so it may be a stupid question. Thanks!