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15 months ago
Hello community,
when we have gene id we generally use shinygo or david to perform gene enrichment analysis. In my case I have gene id and reactions names and I want to perform reaction enrichment analysis. Is there a tool that permits to do that please.
What kind of reaction names? Which type of enrichment analysis do you want to do, over representation analysis or functional scoring systems (or network analysis type) ?
example of reaction names that I have : 10-Formyltetrahydrofolate Lysosomal Transport via Diffusion 11-Deoxycortisol Intracellular Transport 11-Deoxycorticosterone Intracellular Transport 3-Diaminopropane:Oxygen Oxidoreductase (Deaminating) 1-Alpha-Vitamin D-24, 25-Hydroxylase (D2) In general these reactions are found in a recon model i would appreciate it if you give me a tool for each type if it doesn't bother you. thank you in advance