I am attempting to execute psiblast using multiple PSSMs as queries against a protein database of a specific strain. I previously conducted a blastP and found some results for my proteins of interest, but they were limited. Therefore, I thought that running a PSIBLAST might yield more results. I generated some PSSMs for these proteins and then ran psiblast, but all the outputs are empty.
psiblast -query pssm.smp -evalue 1e-5 -db '/db/strain_protein.db' -outfmt \"6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qcovhsp\" -num_threads 15 -out ./output/test2.tsv -num_iterations 1 -save_pssm_after_last_round -out_pssm ./PSSM/test2.smp
I suspect that I might be running the wrong command because I received this Console Log
I posted the console log on Pastebin due to its length.