Hi, I am trying to compute allele frequencies for a large genotypic data set. The command I am using is as follow:
plink2 --vcf my_file.vcf.gz --freq --map my_file.map --out my_outfile
The reason I am using a map file is because I want to include physical position of each marker in my output file.
The error is this:
Error: --vcf conflicts with another input flag
Please explain exactly what you mean by "physical position", and why the VCF file doesn't have it. 'POS' is supposed to be a required VCF field.
My VCF files have physical position! The function --freq of PLINK2 yields allele frequencies but it does not include positions in output file. What do not have my VCF files is ID information. So, without ID and POS there is no way to use that frequencies in further analysis.