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15 months ago
Our tutor asked us to use fastqc to quality control the data of the third generation sequencing, and hoped to create a common reference quality control result of the third generation sequencing for comparison and interpretation of other quality control results. Do you have any ideas or effective results?
Can you define "third generation" as you understand it? Are you mainly referring to long read data like ONT,PacBio?
What exactly is your instructor looking for here? Different experimental techniques produce data that looks different when analyzed with FastQC. So you may need to define the focus to say "WGS" or "ChIPseq" etc when creating metrics.
Thank you for your kind answer, but our team have done this work, albeit without all the things I asked about in my post.
You are going to have to elaborate.
"Common reference" for which set of species/tissues/material?
What are these "other quality control results."?