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14 months ago
I am working on chipseq data, for peak calling I used macs2 and following command. As an output its generating the bdg file but no R file is being generated
Kindly suggest what am I doing wrong.
macs2 callpeak \
-t _unique_rmdup_sampled.bam \
-c INPUT_unique_rmdup_sampled.bam \
--gsize 3.0e9 \
--broad \
--broad-cutoff 0.1 \
--nomodel \
--extsize 125 \
--bdg \
-n output \
--outdir chip_seq/chip_workflow/results/macs/
Any help is appreciated
Thanks for your response ! but if I don't use
the following error comesAny suggestion on how to produce the graphs then??
Well, you can either continue without the model set or follow the error suggestions to increase the
range. I'd be concerned about data quality if it is calling zero peaks while building its own model (or very few if the model is ignored).