Entering edit mode
16 months ago
Hi, my current implementation returns the indexes of input genomic range where "CG" are found but i want to get the genomic location matching the pattern. pls see code and example data. thank you in advance for your help
getMotif_sites <- function(ref_genome=NULL, grList=NULL, context="CG"){
# Load ref genome of choice
genome_pkg <- switch(ref_genome,
mm10 = "BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10",
hg38 = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38",
stop("Invalid ref_genome specified")
# Load the actual genome data
library(genome_pkg, character.only = TRUE)
genome_data <- get(genome_pkg)
#get seq of the granges in question x=grList[[1]]
seqGrList <- lapply(grList, function(x) {
# print(seqnames(x))
seqGr <- getSeq(genome_data, x) #get seqs from ref genome
motif_locations <- Biostrings::vmatchPattern(context, seqGr) #get cpg sites
# Calculate the starts based on the ends and the width
ends <- motif_locations@ends[[1]]
width <- nchar(context)
starts <- ends - width + 1
# Convert to GRanges
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(x),
ranges = IRanges(start = starts, end = ends))
new("GRanges", seqnames = new("Rle", values = structure(1L, levels = "chr1", class = "factor"),
lengths = 1L, elementMetadata = NULL, metadata = list()),
ranges = new("IRanges", start = 177728813L, width = 2000L,
NAMES = NULL, elementType = "ANY", elementMetadata = NULL,
metadata = list()), strand = new("Rle", values = structure(3L, levels = c("+",
"-", "*"), class = "factor"), lengths = 1L, elementMetadata = NULL,
metadata = list()), seqinfo = new("Seqinfo", seqnames = "chr1",
seqlengths = NA_integer_, is_circular = NA, genome = NA_character_),
elementMetadata = new("DFrame", rownames = NULL, nrows = 1L,
elementType = "ANY", elementMetadata = NULL, metadata = list(),
listData = structure(list(), names = character(0))),
elementType = "ANY", metadata = list())