I have a set of DEGs for which I have carried out GO and Kegg enrichment analysis. Thus, I have twos sets of enriched terms for those genes, one with GOs and another one with KEGGs. I would like to produce a network in which I could put enriched GOs and KEGGs as nodes. Two nodes would be then connected when at least one gene is affected to both nodes. I would be specially interested in edges connecting GO with KEGG nodes. I could also use the number of genes in common between a GO and a KEGG as edge attribute (colour, thickness...)
Do you think this kind of network is feasible? I am not sure what the columns of my table(s) should be.
David R.
Seems a bit strange to me but I can kinda see it.
Wouldn't trust the idea of just a single gene being part of two pathways giving you edges.
That would be a massive network probably.
You'll need to create a table specifically based on the format that a downstream network creation package will work with.
I definitely think it's important to use edge strengths.
It may even make sense to specifically visualize the node connections that have extreme overlap.
Thanks a lot Yogi. I understand you are thinking about "network" package in R, for instance. I'll give it a go. Thanks for the hint. Best, David