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14 months ago
Hello, I hope all of you having a great day.
I have difficulties drawing a heatmap displaying DEGs associated with a given KEGG pathway in R studio.
I used to conduct enrichment analysis for KEGG pathways, using 'FindAllMarkers' and 'compareCluster.'
There is a figure for reference, but the code is not available. (Reference: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.730892/full
Looking forward to getting help.
Please share expertise.
Thank you.
See this question which asks the same thing: Annotating Proteins in heatmap with 1 or more pathways using R.
The article you shared probably generated their data through fgseaMultilevel (and then generated the plots by simply using ggplot). Is this how you generated your enrichment data?