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13 months ago
Hi everyone,
I am trying to align paired-end reads concordantly within 600bp distance to artificial chromosomes that we created. Here is the command:
bowtie2 -p 16 -X 600 --no-mixed --very-sensitive-local -x [reference] -1 [read1.fastq] -2 [read2.fastq] | samtools view -hbuS - | samtools sort - > output.bam
After this step, I also removed all unmapped reads using:
samtools view -h -@ 16 -b -h -F 4 [input.bam] | samtools view -h -o output.bam; done
Reads were able to aligned concordantly but not within the distance that I specified. For example:
SRR14646293.1027485 83 chr3_art 8823 2 2S4M1I142M1S =
SRR14646293.1027485 163 chr3_art 198324 2 55S95M =
SRR14646293.15739600 83 chr1_art 45200 11 2S148M =
SRR14646293.15739600 163 chr10_art 6132 2 66S84M =
Is there a way to force the alignment of reads within the distance I want? Thank you!