Dear scientists,
I have performed de novo assembly of bacterial WGS data using spades and abyss. However I am not sure which assembly approach is good to go because N50 value is not half or more than half of total assembly length.
All reads are QC passed (no adapter or primer sequences are found and base quality is above 30).
And also please suggest that how many contigs should I keep for further analysis. Length of reference genome is 5,240,075 bp.
Here i am attaching assembly reports please input your valuable suggestions and guidance.
Assembly with abyss
Assembly with spades
Assembly with spades (using --trusted-contigs flag where reference genome was used to guide assembly)
Assembly with unicycler
Looks like you pasted the stats for plain
assembly twice or vice versa. Since the last two stats are identical.Thanks for informing GenoMax. I mistakenly pasted stats of spades (with --trusted-contigs option) twice. I have edited the post.
N50 is the length of the size-ordered contig that puts you over that 50% threshold
Thank you so much Jeremy for sharing useful link.