I am doing variant calling and am using samtools sort o sort my .bam files. I have 40 threads in my workstation [Thread(s) per core:2; Core(s) per socket:10; Socket(s):2]. So, I used the following command
$ samtools sort brs11b.bam -o brs11_sorted.bam -@ 10
= no. of threads
I could see the temporary files being generated but finally I don't have any output file and the terminal looks like this,
I removed the -@
argument and used the following command,
$ samtools sort brs11b.bam -o brs11_sorted.bam
My input file is of 7.1GB and now, I have more than 50 small sorted.bam files. Is it right? How should I proceed, should I merge all these files in one?
Could you may be tell me how did you downloaded samttols1..3.1?
Please open a new question, add necessary details and, with all due respect, put some effort in spelling and typos. Most of us are non-native english speakers, but you can at least spell the tool correctly when asking unpaid volunteers for help.