I have bulk RNA-seq data from Ferret and trying to get counts per gene. to do so I used hisat2 and got the genome from here: https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/musFur1/bigZips/musFur1.2bit
After aligning the fastq files I used htseq
and the following command:
htseq-count \
-f bam \
-r pos \
-a 27 \
-m intersection-strict \
--stranded=no \
-i gene_id \
test_R1_001.fastq.sam.bam Mustela_putorius_furo.MusPutFur1.0.110.gtf > test_R1_001.fastq.sam.bam_sorted.bam.txt
with the gtf file from here: https://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-110/gtf/mustela_putorius_furo/Mustela_putorius_furo.MusPutFur1.0.110.gtf.gz
but all the counts are 0. do you know what the problem could be?