I have 6 samples of control and test condition normalized microarray intensities which Im using a starting point of my analysis.
This is my basic analysis code
library(limma) # t
# Create a data frame with the sample names and group names
metdata <- data.frame(
SampleName = c("C14WEx_MBr_1", "C14WEx_MBr_2", "C14WEx_MBr_4", "T814WEx_MBr_1", "T814WEx_MBr_2", "T814WEx_MBr_4"),
GroupName = c("Control", "Control", "Control", "TRPM8KO", "TRPM8KO", "TRPM8KO")
metdata$GroupName <- as.factor(metdata$GroupName)
mrna_df <- read_excel("data.xlsx",
skip = 24)
mrna_norm <- mrna_df %>% select(Transcript_ID,c(8:13))
mrna_norm_df <- mrna_norm %>% column_to_rownames('Transcript_ID')
# Extract the SampleName column from the metadata dataframe
sample_names <- metdata$SampleName
# Rename the columns of mrna_norm_df with the SampleName values
colnames(mrna_norm_df) <- sample_names
# Print the updated dataframe
design_matrix <- model.matrix(~GroupName, metdata) ## with intercept
fit <- lmFit(mrna_norm_df, design_matrix)
fit <- eBayes(fit)
tempOutput <- topTable(fit, coef="GroupNameTRPM8KO",n=Inf,
adjust.method = 'BH')
length(which(tempOutput$adj.P.Val < 0.05))
Running the fit with contrast
# with contrast#
contrasts <- makeContrasts(Control - TRPM8KO, levels = metdata$GroupName)
#contrasts <- relevel(contrasts, ref = "Control")
contrasts <- makeContrasts(Control - TRPM8KO, levels = metdata$GroupName, ref = "Control")
fit <- lmFit(mrna_norm_df, design = design_matrix)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
tempOutput1 <- topTable(fit2, coef="Control - TRPM8KO",n=Inf,
adjust.method = 'BH')
length(which(tempOutput1$adj.P.Val < 0.05))
So when I run limma without contrast as i get only 5 genes with the 0.05 threshold but when Im running with contrast with same design then im getting 19814. Am i doing something wrong in both the case which is making this sharp change in the list of genes?
Anysuggestion or help would be really helpful
so the first one what i have done so far is correct?
" You are trying to compare Control to TRPM8KO but the design matrix doesn't have coefficients by either of those names," this i tried to fix after going through different answers but i was not able to fix that issue. What is it im doing it incorrectly ?
Yes, that tests for differences between the two groups.
why can;t i see your answer which i do see in my inbox but not here? regarding the contrast
I removed it because my wording was not good and I was busy with other things so I did not have time to properly rephrase it. Just stick with coef=2 with the intercept design, that is correct for DE.
i tried what you suggested now i get same result as my first method as well as contrast