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13 months ago
I am having some problems with using bwa-mem2 After using the command line(below): there is some error in my results. The error message stated: "Skip or orientation FR as there are not enough pairs. paired reads have different names.
How can I solve this problem?
below is my command line
base)/$ bwa mem -t 10 A.fasta virus_DKDN230027457-1A_HJHVHDSX7_L1.1qc.fq virus_DKDN230027457-1A_HJHVHDSX7_L1.2\ qc.fq > out.sam
Thank u for your comment. In my case, i using the FASTP tool for trimming. Is this tool the problem? Would this be solved by using bowtie2 instead of bwa?
Did you process the paired-end data separately, so one run for R1 and one for R2? The message means that the R1 and R2 files are out-of-sync. YOu have to run both through fastp at the same time, see its manual on paired-end data. No, any aligner will choke on unsync data.
As you say, the problem was caused by the trim not being paired end. I've managed to fix this, thank you very much.