I have a set of fastq files from BGI data that I want to trimm from adapters. They are paired end, but I don't have two files per library, but one: The forward and reverse reads are in the same fastq file, but not in an interleaved manner.
Since it is BGI data, I am going to work with SOAPnuke software. I have a command that I can work with for paired end data, but the synthax requires the forward and reverse files to be separated:
SOAPnuke filter -Q 2 -f $forward -r $reverse -1 $fastq_1 -2 $fastq_2 -C $out1 -D $out2 -o $OUT
Is it possible to trimm a merged non interleaved fastqfile?, maybe just declaring forward and reverse adapters, but just one file?
Even using other trimming probram, such as adapterremoval, or fastp, how would be the way of trimming adapters of paired end data present in a single non interleaved file?
Thank you in advance for any input that may help me solve this part of the process.